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The Medfield Foundation (MFi) is a 100% volunteer- run 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable corporation whose mission is to build community by supporting local non-profit initiatives, raising funds for those in need, and distributing grants that positively impact Medfield.


MFi is committed to Building Community by:

  • Organizing and running MFi Signature Initiatives, such as the Legacy Fund Endowment, Angel Run, Community Assistance Fund, Camp Fund, Community Conversations, and Youth Leadership Program.

  • Helping local non-profits, known as Community Initiatives, organize, raise funds and work in Medfield without having to become registered charities.

  • Accepting and managing donations for all MFi Initiatives, including reporting to the IRS and complying with all regulations for 501(c)(3) entities.

  • Promoting community connections for Medfield through our website, events, social media, and other communications.


The Medfield Foundation has three core pillars to its mission, each designed to effect positive change for the town, its businesses, and its residents.

Here's how we go about achieving those goals:


  • Provides charitable status for community fundraising efforts

  • Offers valuable platform assisting over 50 local non-profit initiatives

  • Cultivates lasting, productive and philanthropic relationships


  • Focuses on raising community funds for community needs

  • Oversees and administers fundraising by MFi Community Initiatives

  • Supports fundraising of its own MFi Signature Initiatives

  • Advances the MFi Legacy Fund, a professionally-managed, grant-making permanent endowment for the benefit of Medfield


  • Raised over $5.5 million since 2001

  • Facilitates and impacts critical community projects and programs

  • Directly improves the lives of Medfield’s residents



Directed back to the Medfield community since our founding in 2001

"MFi does so many things in our community but at the heart of it all lies the desire to connect people that want to help with people and projects that need help."

-Kirsten Poler, MFi President


MFi supports a variety of initiatives that encourage volunteerism and support philanthropic giving in the Medfield community. Beyond our recurring Signature Initiatives like the MFi Legacy Fund Endowment and the MFi Angel Run, we have also supported a large range of Community Initiatives over the past 25 years.

An Endowment Fund helping today and in the long term.

A Festive 5K/Fun Run/Walk generating funds to help neighbors in need.

In unexpected hard times, the MFi Community Assistance Fund helps neighbors in emergency need.

Help make happy memories! Send a kid to camp!

As an important part of MFi, Youth Leaders help produce the Angel Run and engage in philanthropic grants.



Hinkley Helpers was formed by a group of parents and residents to fundraise to create a best-in-class, new, safe and creative playground at the current Hinkley Park site. According to Kelly Fallon, Hinkley Helper’s Co-Founder, ”We believe all children deserve a safe, clean and inclusive place to play." 

The mission of Hinkley Helpers is vital to support the thriving town of Medfield and this initiative plans furthers the mission of MFi by raising private funds for public good and delivering a new much improved playground at Hinkley Park.

For more information on Hinkley Helpers, please visit our website.


The Friends of the Medfield Rail Trail (FMRT) is a volunteer group of residents that worked to transform a 1.3-mile stretch of the old Bay Colony Railroad into a multi-use trail for walking, running, biking and other community activities. Officially opened in 2022, the Rail Trail runs from Ice House Road to the Dover town line.

There is always work to be done on the Rail Trail and we welcome volunteers. For more information, please visit our website.


The Friends of Kingsbury Pond Grist Mill (FOKP) is a group of adult volunteers dedicated to preserving, maintaining, and improving one of Medfield’s most visible historic buildings. Built circa 1718 by Captain Joseph Clark and located on Spring Street at the serene Kingsbury Pond, the Grist Mill remains in operation and the FOKP committee hopes to reopen the building for people to see how milling has progressed through the years.

To learn more, please visit our website.


Sustainable Medfield brings various community groups together to share goals, ideas, and educational information on ways to improve our environment. 

To learn more about about our community meetings or how you can reduce your carbon footprint, please visit our website.

MCAP is a community coalition that incorporates a collaborative community and evidence-based approach administered by the Town of Medfield's Outreach Department to help educate and promote mental health as well as prevent alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use within our youth population.

Learn more at the link below:


MCSP began as initiatives of the Medfield Foundation, Inc. and retain 501(c)(3) status through the foundation. MCSP was created in September 2017. Our mission is to promote the mental health and emotional well being of all community members, to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and educate our community to help end suicide.

Learn more at the link below:


Our community needs your support today!


Art and Culture:
Art in Public Places
Friends of MHS Theater
Festival Fund
Medfield Fireworks

Community Support:
Council on Aging
Senior Bus
Angel Run - Natasha Domeshek Fund
Friends of Medfield Outreach
MFi Covid Relief Fund

Youth and Recreation:
Dale Street Playground
MHS Athletic Fund
MHS Track & Bleachers
MHS Turf Field of Dreams
Medfield Skate Park
Friends of Recreation
Natasha Domeshek Library Fund

Landmark Preservation:
Peak House Heritage Center
Straw Hat Park
Saw Mill Brook Conservation
Veterans' Recognition Fund

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